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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-22 03:42:56  浏览:9463   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为了加强旅游系统职工队伍的精神文明建设,反对在旅游业务中私自收授回扣和收取小费的不正当行为,维护我国旅游声誉,更好地发展旅游事业,特制定本规定。
第二条 旅游系统职工在工作中,不得私自索要、收受回扣(包括券证、实物和其他报酬)。
第三条 接待旅游者的商店、餐馆、汽车公司等经营单位,在经营中不得向私人付给回扣。
第四条 旅游系统职工在工作中,不得向旅游者索要、收受小费;也不得收受旅游者主动付给的小费。
第五条 违反第四条规定,有下列行为之一的,由旅游行政管理部门予以处罚:
第六条 违反本规定第二条、第三条、第四条的行为,情节严重,触犯刑律的,交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第七条 因私自索要、收受回扣或者小费被开除公职的,不得再录用为旅游系统职工。
第八条 对于坚持原则,拒绝收受回扣、小费,热情为旅游者提供服务,得到旅游者好评的工作人员,应当给予精神和物质奖励。
第九条 罚没的款项和实物,应当按照国家有关规定处理。
第十条 旅游行政管理部门负责监督检查本规定的贯彻实施。工商、财政、审计等部门,应当在各自职责范围内加强配合。
第十一条 本规定适用于旅游系统的所有单位,以及其他涉及旅游业务的商店、餐馆、汽车公司等经营单位。
第十二条 本规定所称的“以上”,包括本数。
第十三条 本规定自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on August 2, 1987 and promulgated
by the National Tourism Administration on August 17, 1987)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to promote cultural and
ideological progress of the contingent of workers and staff members in the
tourist industry, to fight against the improper acts of accepting, without
permission, rebates and tips in handling tourist business, to defend the
reputation of our tourist industry so as to ensure its further
Article 2
Workers and staff members in the tourist industry shall not ask for, or
accept, without permission, rebates (including various negotiable
securities, material objects and other remuneration).
With respect to those who have committed one of the following acts in
violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the tourism
administration department shall impose punishments depending on the
seriousness of the cases:
(1) In case that the amount of rebates the violator has privately asked
for or accepted is 500 yuan or less, the illegal gain shall be
confiscated, and a fine equal to the illegal gain, or less, may
concurrently be imposed; and, at the same time, an administrative warning
shall be given, or a demerit be recorded.
(2) In case that the amount of rebates the violator has privately asked
for or accepted is above 500 and below 1,000 yuan, the illegal gain shall
be confiscated, and a fine equal to two times as much, or less, as the
illegal gain may concurrently be imposed, and, at the same time, the
punishment of probation on job shall be imposed.
(3) In case that the amount of rebates the violator has privately asked
for or accepted is above 1,000 yuan, the illegal gain shall be
confiscated, and, at the same time, the punishment of dismissal from
office shall be imposed.
Article 3
Business operating units that receive tourists, such as stores,
restaurants and automobile companies, shall not pay rebates to individuals
in business operations. With respect to those who have committed one of
the following acts in violation of the provisions in the preceding
paragraph, the tourism administration department, shall, in consultation
with the competent authorities, impose punishments depending on the
seriousness of the cases:
(1) In case that the amount of rebates a violator has paid on his/her own
initiative to an individual is 1,000 yuan or less, a fine equal to two
times as much, or less, as the amount of rebates shall be imposed on the
violator; and the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction
on the violator, and also on the person who is in charge of the business
operating unit.
(2) In case that the amount of rebates a violator has paid on his/her own
initiative to an individual is above 1,000 and below 2,000, a fine equal
to three times as much, or less, as the amount of rebates shall be
imposed; and the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction
on the violator, and also on the person who is in charge of the business
operating unit.
(3) In case that the amount of rebates a violator has paid on his/her own
initiative to an individual is above 2,000 yuan, the tourism
administration department may, in addition to imposing punishment in
accordance with the provisions in item (2) of this Article, order the
business operating unit to cease business operations for rectification,
or, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke
the violator's business licence in accordance with the law.
Article 4
Workers and staff members in the tourist industry shall not ask for, or
accept, tips from tourists; and they shall not accept any tips given by
tourists on latter's own initiative, either.
In case that tourists present gifts on their own initiative, the gifts
should be declined; gifts that are difficult to be declined shall be
handled in accordance with the provisions of the State concerning gifts.
Article 5
With respect to those who have committed one of the following acts in
violation of the provisions of Article 4 of these Provisions, the tourism
administration department shall impose punishment:
(1) In case that the violator has accepted tips without asking for them on
his/her own initiative, he/she shall be criticized, and the tips he/she
has accepted shall be confiscated.
(2) In case that the violator has asked for tips on his/her own
initiative, or has so hinted by deliberately making things difficult for
tourists and has thus produced very bad effect, the tourism administration
department shall impose disciplinary sanction on the violator, and, at the
same time, impose a fine equal to three times as much, or less, as the
tips that the violator has accepted; if the case is extremely abominable
and has caused grave consequences, the punishment of probation on job or
even dismissal from office may be imposed on the violator, depending on
the seriousness of the case.
Article 6
With respect to those who have violated the provisions in Articles 2, 3
and 4, if the case is so serious as to constitute a crime, the violator's
criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs in
accordance with the law.
Article 7
Those who have been discharged from office on account of having privately
asked for or accepted rebates or tips, shall not be re-employed as staff
members or workers in the entire tourist industry.
Article 8
Those who have observed the disciplines, declined rebates and tips, and
served tourists warm-heartedly and have thus been praised by tourists,
shall be given moral encouragement and material rewards.
Article 9
Fines, and illegal gains and objects confiscated, shall be handled in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State.
Article 10
The tourism administration department shall be responsible for supervising
the implementation of these Provisions. The administrative department for
industry and commerce, the department of finance and the auditing
department shall, within their respective scope of functions, strengthen
their coordination.
Article 11
These Provisions shall apply to all units in the tourist industry, and
also to other business operating units with relevance to tourist business,
such as stores, restaurants, and automobile companies.
Article 12
The expression "above..." referred to in these Provisions includes the
figure itself.
Article 13
These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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  第一条 本办法所称计划免疫,是指根据疫情监测和人群免疫状况分析,按照国家和省规定的免疫种类和程序,有计划地利用生物制品进行人群预防接种,以提高人群免疫水平,预防相应传染病的发生。
  第二条 本办法所称流动人口是指户籍不在暂住地且在暂住地连续居住1个月以上的人口。流动儿童是指户籍在暂住地且在暂住地居住满3个月以上的流动人口中7岁以下的儿童。
  第三条 实行儿童预防接种证制度。每名适龄流动儿童都必须按规定建立预防接种证,并实行凭证接种和办理入户、入托、入园、入学手续。
  第四条 本市行政区域内的流动儿童必须按照国家要求有计划地实施预防接种。
  第五条 流动儿童计划免疫管理实行属地管辖。坚持属地建证、属地接种原则。
  第六条 各级人民政府领导本行政区域内的流动儿童计划免疫工作,制定流动儿童计划免疫管理方案,并保障实施。
  第七条 各级卫生行政部门是计划免疫工作的主管部门,负责组织实施和监督管理本行政区域的流动儿童计划免疫工作。
  第八条 各级儿童计划免疫协调小组要协调公安、工商、城建、教育、妇联、计划生育、街道居委会及流动人口管理等部门,按照《河南省计划免疫条例》规定的职责,协调解决免疫服务中存在的问题,理顺关系,消除阻力,共同做好流动儿童预防接种工作。
  第九条 流动儿童应持有原预防接种服务单位的预防接种证,到现居住地的流动人口管理部门办理验证登记手续,并到属地的预防接种服务单位建档立册。无接种证明的,应限期补办后方可发放《暂住证》。
  第十条 监护人在为流动儿童办理预防接种证时,可以与医疗卫生保健机构签订计划免疫保偿合同。
  第十一条 公安机关、学校和托幼机构在为流动儿童办理入户(含临时户口)、入托、入园、入学手续时,应当查验预防接种证明;对未按规定接种的流动儿童,责成其监护人限期到居住地的预防接种服务单位为其补种。
  第十二条 工商管理部门在为外来育龄人口办理营业执照时,应负责查验登记适龄儿童预防接种证,并要求其到预防接种单位建档立册,否则暂不核发营业执照。
  第十三条 实行流动儿童转卡、转证制度。人口迁移时,应到原预防接种服务单位办理转证、转卡手续,原居住地的预防接种服务单位应将预防接种卡或接种证明交给儿童监护人。
  第十四条 迁入地的预防接种服务单位要主动向流动儿童监护人索取预防接种证、卡或接种证明,对新迁入儿童,原免疫接种卡、证记录有效。无预防接种证、卡或接种证明的要及时补建证、卡。对无接种凭证的儿童,视为未接种,以迁入地时间为准,按免疫程序要求完成免疫接种。
  第十五条 各预防接种服务单位应至少每半年对所辖区域进行一次预防接种证、卡的核查和整理工作,及时补卡、剔卡和消卡,剔出的卡片由接种点另行妥善保管。
  第十六条 各预防接种服务单位要建立健全流动儿童登记报告制度,并与学校、托幼及个体劳动者协会等机构协商搞好计划免疫管理。
  第十七条 各预防接种服务单位在进行预防接种前,应当公告接种时间、地点及对象。接种服务单位为儿童实施预防接种后,应当如实填写预防接种证,并按照规定的接种报告制度及时报告。
第十八条 预防接种证由儿童监护人妥善保管,遗失的要及时到预防接种服务单位补证。免疫接种卡,城市由接种单位,农村由乡(镇)卫生院确定专人负责保管。
  第十九条 新生儿监护人,应当在新生儿出生后1个月内到指定的预防接种服务单位办理预防接种证。
  第二十条 集贸市场、城乡结合部等流动人口集中的地方,应由专人负责流动儿童计划免疫管理工作。
  第二十一条 单位或个人将房屋出租给流动人口的,承租人应及时报告其流动人口中的儿童。各乡镇办事处、街道居委会应加强房屋出租人的管理,由其传播有关计划免疫信息,通知承租人免疫服务地点与时间。
  第二十二条 流动儿童纳入本地计划免疫常规管理。预防接种服务单位应根据流动人口分布与免疫接种落实情况定期开展入户接种,在农贸市场、流动人口聚居地定期设立固定或流动接种点,适当延长每次免疫服务时间,提高免疫接种率。
  第二十三条 各级卫生防疫站、医院(地段)等预防接种服务单位应定期到当地外来人口管理办公室、公安、工商等部门及行政村、居委会收集流动人口资料;城镇、城区每3个月,农村每6个月组织一次流动儿童摸底登记、查漏补种活动,实行分片包干,责任到人,并将活动情况报告上级卫生防疫部门。
  第二十四条 各级卫生防疫机构应加强对计划生育指导站、妇幼保健机构和医院产科医生的培训,在新生儿出生时及时向其父母提供儿童免疫接种的有关知识,提高他们对计划免疫重要性的认识。
  第二十五条 实施预防接种服务的单位和工作人员,对发生的预防接种异常反应或预防接种事故,应当立即采取措施进行处理,保存有关资料,并按照规定及时报告卫生防疫机构。预防接种异常反应或预防接种事故的调查处理按照国家有关规定进行。
  第二十六条 违反本办法,具有下列行为之一的单位或个人,由县级以上卫生行政部门根据《河南省计划免疫条例》第二十七条的规定给予通报批评,并责令限期改正;造成危害后果的,由其主管部门或监察部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:
  第二十七条 儿童监护人以及其他计划免疫对象,无正当理由拒绝计划免疫预防接种的,由县级以上卫生行政部门根据《河南省计划免疫条例》第二十九条的规定,给予批评教育,责令限期接种,必要时可以强制接种,并处以30元罚款。
  第二十八条 当事人对卫生行政部门的处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼。逾期不申请复议,也不提起诉讼,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的卫生行政部门申请人民法院强制执行。
  第二十九条 本办法执行中的具体问题由市卫生行政主管部门负责解释。
  第三十条 本办法自2003年11月1日起施行。





